Making Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World!
Making Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World!
Sign up to volunteer at Smithville or Plattsburg Food Pantries in person at Paradise UMC at the back of the sanctuary.
Smithville Food Pantry: Varies monthly
Plattsburg Food Pantry: Cash/Check/*Church Connect
Monetary Collection: Varies monthly
*You can give through the Church Connect App’s “online giving” in the drop down menu. Please note the new drop down lists for designated mission funds.
A Turning Point in Gladstone, where we volunteer en masse at least once a year.
If you would like to participate, let me know (Pastor Rob), PUMC Trustees Chair Bill Schwartz, or check out the website at
Here is another opportunity for you to participate in our mission of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, watering the thirsty and giving hope to the hopeless—bringing the Kingdom of God closer to everyone.
“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’”
Plattsburg Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and the second Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Hours are subject to change so call to verify. For more information please contact us at 816-539-2548 . 117 W Maple St, Plattsburg, MO 64477
Connect with us here if you are in need of assistance with getting food for your family!
The FWC Food Pantry is a ministry of Smithville Family Worship Center and serves residents of Smithville and surrounding communities who are in need of assistance with basic food stuffs. This service is offered at no charge to those in need due to the generous support of the Smithville community and FWC attenders.
SERVICE AREA: The areas eligible to be served are located North of 152 Highway, to Gower MO, and East of I-29 to I-35. If you are unsure if you qualify please contact the church office at 816-532-4749 so we can help you determine eligibility..